Thursday, October 10, 2013

Would you buy a product to support digital humanities?

I'm launching an experiment, and I'd love for you to be involved. My PhD funding has just run out and I've been given a final £350 tuition bill during what's known as my 'writing up' period. In my search for solutions to cover this cost, I've found dozens of small grants that will pay for me to buy train tickets or hotel stays for research trips or conferences. I've found dozens more that will let me buy train tickets or hotel stays for others to come to a conference I'd organize. I can even get money to buy equipment for my research projects. But no one will give me money to pay my rather modest fees.

So I've decided to be creative. Crowdfunding has become rather trendy lately. Sites such as Kickstarter are even being taught as part of digital humanities courses, suggesting those of us in the field need to get out there and convince the public to part with some money in support of the research we do. Shawn Graham at Carleton University is now using this idea to raise money for an Undergraduate Scholarship in digital history, with funds to be matched by his university if he meets a certain threshold, and I wish him the best with what I consider a great initiative. But I know the marketplace can only handle so many campaigns that take the same form. So I've decided to go another route and ask: would you buy a product if you knew the procedes went to support digital humanities? Or more specifically: helped to pay my tuition fees?

So I've teamed up with Cafepress, and designed some digital humanities schwag to tempt you into my experiment. I've focused my product line on three key areas for the digital humanities:

  1. Bags and Electronics - Your electronics never looked so digital humanities
  2. Baby Clothes - Your baby makes digital humanities look good
  3. Mugs and Water Bottles - Support digital humanities while you drink

All of my profits will go directly towards my tuition fees. And in the interest of this experiment, I'll report back on progress at the end of 2013 when these limited edition products will disappear FOREVER! Are baby clothes the key to the future of digital humanities? We'll soon find out.

I thank you most humbly for your support.
Edited note: It has been wisely pointed out to me that not everyone needs baby clothes or more 'stuff'. If you'd like to contribute directly, I've set up a link through Paypal where you can do so. Thanks again.


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