Fabulously talented cartoonist (PhD Comics, Jorge Cham) is hosting a contest offering to animate a 2 minute description of a PhD student's thesis. But it's a popularity contest, and that's where I need you!
My talk is the only digital humanities entry (and one of a handful of history entries) in a field of more than 200 student talks from around the world. I think this is a great opportunity to spread the gospel of what we as digital humanists - in this case me - do on a daily basis.
I'd be grateful for your support in the form of a vote (no registration required)
Outreach is something I've always enjoyed experimenting with as a public historian and a digital humanist. But sometimes you need a lot of friends to achieve outreach. Popularity contests are one of those times. And while you're at it, have a listen and hear what I'm up to. I'd be happy to hear what you think.
Thanks to those who have already voted, and thanks to those who are voting right now. I can't do it without you.
Please RT!
Voting closes August 20, 2012.
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